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Surgeon Investigated, Typed and Framed
AP-Surgeon Investigated, Tuesday 10-Mar-92 09:54:37, Printed by CKASELL
Surgeon Investigated for Allegedly Drawing on Patients
Cincinnati (AP) – A surgeon is being investigated for allegedly drawing “happy faces” on patients’ sex organs during surgery.
Dr. Glenn D. Warren, chief of staff at the Shriners Burns Institute, is accused of drawing with a surgical marker on the penises of two patients and on the lower abdomen of a female patient, Gene Bracewell, chairman of the Shriners Hospital organization, said Monday. Hopsital officials said they confirmed only one case.
Warden could not be reached for comment.
Andy Ellis, 26, who joined Bracewell at a news conference, said the drawing lifted his spirits after several operations for burns suffered over half his body in an auto accident in 1983.
The complaints against Warden were made by staff, not patients, said Newton C. McCollough III, hospital director of medical affairs.
Warden will continue his duties until an investigation by the state chapter of the American College of Surgeons is complete, McCollough said.
Last spring Warden apologized for carving his initials on the skull of a severely burned 9-month-old infant during surgery. Some type of carving was necessary to improve blood flow and help skin grow, McCollough said.
Investigators determined Warden “exhibited inappropriate behavior and poor judgement… not in a medical sense, but rather in a human or humanistic manner,” Bracewell said.
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