Donations to the Smile Face Museum are received with enthusiasm. We are grateful for your interest and support!

Donate Images and Videos to the Collection

Mexico City
Photograph by Adrienne Garbini, added to image collection in Mexico City, August of 2013

To donate a photograph or video to the Metaphysics research image collection or video library, please email jpgs, gifs, and video links to

Alternatively, follow and tag us on our Instagram to contribute:



Donate Objects to the Collection


To donate a smile face object to the Smile Face Museum, please mail it to:

The Smile Face Museum
P.O. Box 416
Saguache, CO 81149

Wish List For Smile Face Objects:

- Boots
- Storage Boxes
- Koozie
- Cufflinks
- Dog Leash
- Rolling Papers
- Baseball
- Ear Muffs
- Paperweight
- Camera
- Pipe
- Telephone
- Doilie
- High Heels
- Cocktail Dress
- Calculator
- Laser Pen

- Food Packaging
- Blotter Paper
- Wind Chime
- Jester Hat
- Bean Bag Chair
- Women's Underwear
- Walmart Greeter Vest
- Power Tools
- Ball Gag
- Liquor Bottle
- Toothbrush
- Earbuds
- Something that has been to space
- Something made of bone
- Furniture (deliverable to Colorado)
- Any Candle, Book, Button or Magnet
- Duplicates are welcome in the collection

Our Museum Library Wish List is online here.

The Smile Face Museum's favorite eBay seller is SmileyStuffForYou. Their stock doubles as our Online Wish List.

Donate Art to the Smile Face Museum

Kenny King
Kenny King, Mickey mouse is in the house, 2012. Pen, marker on paper. 8.5" x 11". Image Courtesy of the artist.

The Smile Face Museum is an active collector of smile face affliated art. We accept any and all submissions of art for inclusion in our physical museum and/or online catalog. We are also interested in long and short term loans.

To donate an artwork to the collection of the Museum, please contact

Donate Funds to the Smile Face Museum


To donate money to the Smile Face Museum, please use this PayPal button.


Donations are managed by What Nothing Press.

All donated funds go towards our operations budget and a print catalog, forthcoming from What Nothing Press.

If you donate 25 dollars or more, you will receive a copy of the catalog when it is printed!

Donations are not tax deductible, as it is a privately held Museum.

The Smile Face Museum