Psychedelic Pre-Apocalypse
| Tags: 2011, Birthday, collage, Emily Stebbins, McDonald's, paper, photocopy, Psychedelia, The Artist, Vinnie Smith |
In Art |
Sequins and Leather Hat
| Tags: 2011, baseball, Emily Stebbins, hat, Kansas City Chiefs, leather, NFL, sequins, Tamara SantibaƱez |
In Clothing |
Alex DeCarli, “Untitled Pipe”, 2011
| Tags: 2011, Alex DeCarli, Brooklyn Bong and Bowl, ceramic, dead smile, Emily Stebbins, pipe, slug, snake, UCSD Craft Center |
In Art, Tools |
Color Changing Stress Ball
Have an Ice Day Tray
Don’t Worry…Drink Happy
| Tags: 02864, 2011, 9.95, Cumberland, drinking, Fred, ice tray, Made in China, Rebecca Chitty, RI, silicone |
In Kitchenware |